A Message to Our Members: COVID-19 Policies Update #3

Hi members,

I want to reiterate and clarify our current access policies as they relate to the coronavirus outbreak. While the current guidelines prohibit gatherings of 10 or more, we should not interpret that as a permission slip to gather in smaller groups. If you can stay home, do it. 

Disclaimer:  I've been on calls with other operators around the country and fully expect restrictions in WA to ramp up to either "shelter in place" like the Bay Area and Orange County, or something stricter that restricts egress and ingress. In the case of the former, our current policy will still apply. Because companies and members rely on services like VPNs, network, and mail service that are physically tied to the space, coworking operators in the Bay Area are able to operate on strict limited basis. We've designed our policy with these restrictions in mind. In the case of the latter, access to buildings would be restricted by landlords and we would be unable to intervene. I don't expect that to happen, but if we've learned anything in recent days, it's to be ready for anything.

Our Current Access Policy (as of 03/17/2020)

1. Our doors are locked and our staff is working remotely under holiday hours (no staffed desk, periodic short shifts outside of standard hours to process mail, water plants etc.)

2. Members are able to access the space at their discretion. This should only be done for critical work. If you can work from home and do not need to access the space, please don't. If you need to pick up materials, print or scan documents, utilize our bandwidth for important file transfers or video calls, then please limit visits in duration and frequency as much as possible.

3. Kitchens are closed until further notice. Please don't use anything in them, including dishes or the fridge. We would typically never think of doing this, but these are the areas of the spaces with the most potential for contact as they do not allow for proper distancing. Because we don't have ops staff, this will also allow us to maintain a much tidier space.

5. Meeting rooms - use them for video calls if it's essential. Do not meet in groups. Meet outside instead. Group meetings in confined spaces don't allow for proper distancing.

6. If you do need to access the space for critical tasks, sit one person to a table and adhere to official distancing guidelines at all times.

7. Custodians are still cleaning and sanitizing spaces each evening and will continue to do so. 

Membership measures

  1. We are extending all Community Unlimited Memberships to 24/7 access for free. This will allow us to spread out the flow of members who need to access the space for critical tasks. Email team@thepioneercollective.com for access passes.

  2. We are implementing automatic rollovers for all Community 5 and Community 10 memberships through June 1st. 

  3. Resident Desk members can pause their membership through their June bill date and pay 30% of their normal dues while keeping their desk and their items in the space.

Thank you for your support and cooperation. Stay safe, stay sane, stay together (in spirit). I can't wait to see you all again. I'll be a sending another (much happier) update later this evening!

Chris Hoyt


A Message to Our Members: Update #4 COVID-19 Policies


A Message to Our Members: Update on COVID-19 Concerns, Policies, & Actions